A Safe & Social  space

For people 45+


A social space for 2-SLGBTQ+ folks that are 45+ to find community, share experiences, and access resources.  

Why 45+?
  • Ages 45+ is a great time to begin developing a support network that will carry you into aging. 2-SLGBTQ+ adults are more likely to live alone and less likely to have children than cishet adults. In addition, we are more likely to face life-threatening conditions and comorbidities at much younger ages.
  • 2-SLGBTQ+ folks of all ages are also more likely to be in caregiving roles. We recognize the need to be in space with people who share commonalities and understanding. Timeless Pride Connections connects 2-SLGBTQ+ adults by experiences because our wisdom can not solely be represented by our age.

1st Sundays
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM


Grand Rapids Pride Center
343 Atlas Ave SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506

Be A part of Change

Be A part of Change