The Health Equity Program (HEP) aims to support the whole person by curating and referring to resources, managing the Center’s public health programming, hosting community well-being events, and providing drop-in services.

In 2018, the Grand Rapids Pride Center launched its award-winning Proud To Be Healthy health services program aimed at decreasing the disparities associated with LGBTQ+ individuals accessing quality services needed in order to lead healthy lives.
In 2022, we re-envisioned this as the Health Equity Program as we understood that for many in our community, a “healthy life” was not the goal. We honored the realities of disability, chronic illness, the impacts of aging, trauma and its coping methods, and mental health issues. Many in our community would never be healthy, and they still deserved access to healthcare that supported them and affirmed them as whole people, including respecting them and meeting their unique needs as 2-SLGBTQ+ individuals.
This includes access to quality health services, mental health services, safe and affordable housing, adequate food and nutrition information if wanted, wellness and harm reduction programs. The Health Equity Program works to strengthen, support and reduce health disparities of 2-SLGBTQ+ individuals through strategic partnerships with affirming and non-discriminatory community organizations.